Cronofagia (2019) by Davide Mazzocco

This book is all about how capitalism thrives on the time it can sucks from our lives. Not the time we, obviously, spend working: our "free" time. As years pass by we find ourselves more and more filling our time with things we don't really want or need to do. We fill it with the result of the expactation we feel from the society

It's our vacation time really used to see or do the things we want? Or we aimlessly choose our destination from the most famous, trying to do as many experience as we can while there? The time passed commuting is really well spent replying to work emails?

This is just the tip of the iceberg: the book will give you many interesting ideas (and also a lot of book, movies and articles are suggested about the topic). Take back your time, it's the most precious thing we have